
Introducing the WJA Kindle Library!

School isn't about a grade, it's about the desire to learn, and therefore grow in knowledge.  The application of that knowledge (wisdom), on the other hand, is a different thing!  But we'll leave that to another story.

Speaking of stories, we would like to invite you to become a patron for the WJA Kindle Library.  That's a fancy way of saying, we invite you to help broaden our children's access to English virtual books by purchasing books they will be able to read on their Kindles.

Since we are now living in Brazil, our kids do not have access to a library with English books.  This is something we miss since we used to visit a library in the USA at least once a week and check out piles of books and audio books.

So, our solution was to get 2 Kindles that Joshua and Andrew can use.  So far we have enjoyed many free children's books (OK, mom and dad have enjoyed some of their own books too).

 However,  we want to expand our "library" and would like to invite you to donate some books to it.

How, you ask?

  1. Josh and Andrew have a Wish List on the Amazon site that I would love to share with you if you are interested.   
  2. Send me an email at and I will send you the links.

  3. Pick a book to buy for them and it will download to their Kindles! (At least that's the way it should work.)
  4. Think about becoming a monthly donor.  

Thank you!!  We appreciate you helping our kids dig into reading. ;-)

Do you homeschool?  Here are some helpful homeschooling sites we enjoy:



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